October 21, 1998


Recently announced is the formation of the Gamescon Advisory Board. On this board is our own Scott Miller. This board has actually been in existence for the past 3 months, and has actively been working towards bringing large consumer level Computer Gaming Expositions to North America. Gamescon has a press release online with lots of details - make sure to check it out. Here's some info from their site about who they are and what they do:

This is our focus, and we are approaching it in two different ways. First, we will be emphasizing multiplayer gaming, via LAN-style tournaments. Second, we will be showcasing the latest entertainment technology from various software and hardware vendors. We'll be previewing unreleased works in progress, and featuring the hottest new games. We will also invite keynote speakers from the gaming community to discuss various issues involving this fast-paced industry.

Posted by Joe Siegler on October 21, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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