October 2, 1998

Time to Kill Strategy Guide

Following up on yesterday's Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Update, we told you about our new Duke Nukem: Time to Kill section.

Today we bring you news of the Duke Nukem: Time to Kill Exclusive Strategy Guide. This book is published by GW Press, and everything you need to rage through the ages as the Duke of Carnage annihilates ancient Rome, conquers the Dark Ages, and tames the Wild West. Unlock all the secrets, collect everything, be the master of Time to Kill!

Click on the book image to be taken to our Books Page, where you can read some more about the book, and order it today! The book is not actually out yet, but you can pre-order it (through Amazon.com), and it will be shipped to you when it is ready.

Bonus: Also added to the books page today are the guides for Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown and Duke Nukem 64. You can order these two books off of our web site as well, by going to visit our Books Page today!

Posted by Joe Siegler on October 2, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Console Games