April 19, 2000

New Fan Page Online

From time to time, we get submissions about us and or our games. These things range from hand drawn game art on pieces of paper, to computer rendered fan interpretations of our games, to just letters of thank you for the fun our games have brought people.

We've decided to place some of the more notable ones online here at the 3D Realms Site in our new "Fan Stuff" area. To launch this new area of our web site, we've gone into the archives, and pulled some art that was sent to us about our older Commander Keen game (although we have no idea who drew it). Check out the Fan Stuff page for several other fan submissions we happen to like.

keenart041900.jpg (251815 bytes)

Posted by Joe Siegler on April 19, 2000 at 5:33 PM | Permalink
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