June 21, 2000

A Game with Guts

Here is another new Max Payne preview online today - this time from actiontrip.com. In their article entitled, "A Game with Guts", they cover several areas of interest regarding Max. They hit the usual things like atmosphere, technology, & weapons (as well as screenshots), but they also have a quote from Markus Stein of Remedy about the media blackout on Max. Here's a bit from the preview:

The game will ship with three editors: MaxED, ActorFX and ParticleFX, which will allow you to customize just about anything in the entire game world. The map editor should be easy to use because you'll be able to simply drag & drop objects and texture onto the map.

The most intriguing thing that I have read about the game was that it isn't going to have a multiplayer mode (!?!). It was initially supposed to exist, but then the publishers simply decided that there were plenty enough good multiplayer games out there already, but the single player genre needs great games as well.

Remedy Entertainment (with some help from 3D Realms) takes a great noir crime story, makes it realistic enough to be believable, yet unrealistically frantic enough to keep your adrenalin pumping, introduces the hero - an urban desperado with much to avenge and nothing to lose; and there you have it - a good game.

They talk a lot more about Max Payne, so make sure and head over to the preview today and check out the screenshots while you're here!

Posted by Joe Siegler on June 21, 2000 at 3:05 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Max Payne