July 25, 2001

Max Payne Has Shipped!

Well, it's finally happened! Max Payne has shipped. If you were up late last night, you saw George Broussard's .plan file update which detailed a delay we experienced in receiving Max Payne from the manufacturer. Here's some of what George had to say:

We really, really had things all planned out to ship on Monday, but it will be Wed afternoon now. Here's what happened. We had it all lined up to get our units Monday AM so we could ship most of them that night. Apparently someone at the production facility (that built the Max Payne boxes) in Canada screwed up on the customs form. FedEx moved the shipment to Memphis, TN and held them there. They were lost in the system for half a day as people tracked them down. They didn't get released until today and then we come to find out that FedEx won't deliver them to us as arranged. The shipment was too big (but they had no problem taking them from Canada to Memphis - go figure). So we scrambled and hired a trucking company to drive to Memphis, load the Max boxes, and drive them back to Dallas so we can ship them.

George wrote that at about 11:30PM on Tuesday night. The Duke team proceeded to stay here overnight waiting for the orders to come in. At 4:15AM or so, the van we hired to bring the boxes from Memphis to Garland arrived. All of us were here by then, and we unloaded, packed, stuffed, shipped, taped, basically whipped all the pre-orders out of here in a day. The boxes that George referred to above were a real help in getting the thousands of pre-orders we had piled up put together and out the door today.

Anyway, the bottom line is that if you pre-ordered with 3D Realms, your order is on it's way. As George said above, our shipment was unfortunately delayed there's more to his story in his .plan file)- we were hoping to have the bulk of the pre-orders in people's hands today, but they're on their way now - US orders went out Priority Mail (2-3 days), and foreign orders will take a bit longer than that (obviously). We took pictures of this mass flurry of packing & shipping, you can check them out by clicking on the picture below. The picture below is of the first one we packaged at about 5AM this morning - that lucky person was Harley M. of Greenville, MS (Harley won't get his (hers?) any faster than anyone else - that was just the first one packed).

Don't forget to check out our photo album of putting the Max orders together by clicking on the picture below.

UPDATE @ 1PM: The photo album has been updated with more pictures - but that's all. It's time to go home and get some sleep!

Posted by Joe Siegler on July 25, 2001 at 11:30 AM | Permalink
News Categories: Max Payne