Wacky Wheels Help

This page lists questions and links to solutions for various problems we've encountered for our Wacky Wheels game.

Click on the question you wish to see the answer for.    If you don't see your answer on this page, please check out our Email Support Page.

WW and a Sound Blaster 16 with a Wave Blaster

The problem that you are having is due to a hardware error on the Wave Blaster card. Creative Labs did come out with a patch that will correct this problem, and it is available on there web page. The file name is WAVEPTCH.ZIP. This TSR should solve the problem.


WW and Lockups or Memory errors

The problem that you are having with Wacky Wheels is caused by not having enough available memory when running the game. Wacky Wheels requires two megabytes of memory available in order to run. As DOS itself takes up memory, Wacky Wheels requires a machine with more than two megabytes of memory.

If you do have more than two megabytes of memory available, then you are loading up TSRs and device drivers that are taking up memory that the game needs in order to run properly. To run the game, you will need to boot your computer in a special manner.

If you have MS-DOS version 6.0 or greater and you do not have a Sound Blaster compatible sound card, reboot your computer, and as soon as it says "Starting MS-DOS", hit the F5 key on your keyboard. This will bypass your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and place you directly at the dos prompt.

If you have MS-DOS version 6.0 and you have a Sound Blaster compatible sound card, reboot your computer, and as soon as it says "Starting MS-DOS", hit the F8 key on your keyboard. This will step through your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and ask you whether to load each statement. The only lines that you will want to answer "Yes" to is "Process AUTOEXEC.BAT?", and the SET BLASTER statement. Answer no to every thing else.

Wacky CD without the manual

Due to the problems with lost manuals in the past, we have opted to make a card copy of the Wacky Manual on the CD-ROM. You can get to it via Windows or dos.

In windows open up the cd-rom. And double click on the file called Manual.

In dos you will need to switch to your CD-ROM Drive and type in Manual.

C:/> d: <Enter>
D:/> manual <Enter>

This will bring you to the full color manual that is on the CD-ROM.