The Contest has been closed.
This was due to general lack of interest in the contest.
Thanks to all that participated in the 10+ years it was active.
[ Previous Winning Entries ]

Think you've got a good sense of humor?
Think you've got what it takes to write funny cartoons? Well, we can't
help you with that, but we can help you hone your skills in captions.
Enter our "Camera Captioning Contest".
What's our Camera Contest? Over our history, we've captured many silly
pictures. People mugging for the camera, or other goofiness at 3D Realms
HQ. What we've decided to do is to make a contest out of some of the
pictures. Send us your best caption for the picture, and the one we
decide is the funniest will win a coupon that's good towards the
purchase of any of our games. Here's the rules for the contest:
- Think of a caption for this picture,
and email it to us at
[email protected].
- ONLY submit captions for this
- Please don't send the picture with
the text. We know what the picture looks like. :)
- When submitting an entry, please
tell us the contest dates for the picture or the contest number.
- Please include your full name and
address with your entry (in case you win). If you don't send in your
info, we have no way to get your prize to you. Please keep in mind
that once the winner is picked, the emails for each contest are
deleted, and not kept, so they're not put on any list or something
dumb like that.
- You can send as many entries for a
picture as you want, although if you're going to send multiple
entries, try and include them all in a single email.
- We will post the winning entry, who
submitted it, as well as some of the runners up shortly afterwards.
- You can win more than one contest,
so if you've won before, you can continue to enter for future
- This is not a US only contest,
anyone can enter.
What do you win if you're picked as
having the winning entry? Each winner will have a coupon for $35 off any
product ordered directly from us mailed to them shortly after their
entry is picked as the winner (more details about the coupon will come
in a letter that comes with the coupon).

Geoff Keighley of Gameslice did
a review
of our Camera Captioning Contest, and this is what he had to say about
For a long time I’ve been admiring
3D Realms’ Camera Caption contest on their site. Basically, they
take images from around the office and ask fans to contribute their
favorite witty caption to accompany the photo. Some of the entries
are absolutely hilarious.