Menace |
Customer Cheat
[C] [A] [T] - During gameplay, you can press these three
letters at the same time, and you will receive the machine gun, 99 ammo, & 99
grenades. This works only in the registered version.
Tech Support Command Line Parameter
COMP - Turn on SVGA compatibility
NOAL - Disable Adlib sound card detection
NOJOYS - Disable joystick detection
NOMOUSE - Disable mouse detection
HIDDENCARD - Disable video card detection
Other Notes
The following secret weapons are available in both the
shareware and registered versions:
Super Plasma Bolt - Hold the up arrow until you hear a charge
sound, then hit fire; this causes one hit point of damage.
Fireball Attack - Turn left and right 6 or 7 times in
succession, then hit fire.
Electron Shield - Turn left and right 6 or 7 times in
succession, then hit the jump key.
Invincibility Burst - Hold the up arrow until you hear a
charge sound, then hit the down arrow.

"Customer Cheat" means it's the cheat given out with
the registered version of the software.
"Debug Mode" means it's an unsupported cheat mode.
"Tech Parameter" means it's a code that does
something, but really isn't a cheat, it's more or less there to help Apogee Customer
"Misc Command Line Parameter" is the same type of
thing as Tech Parameter.
Cheat keys are not officially supported by Apogee. If you use
the debug keys, Apogee cannot provide any support, since this alters game performance to a
state where our standard support comments and issues might not apply. In short, using
cheat keys can cause the game to malfunction or crash. Use at your own risk!
