Customer Cheat
Pressing the [B] [A] [T] keys all at once will give you 99
shots, an extra life, and all the gems. This does not work on early versions of Aliens Ate
My Babysitter.
Debug Mode
Pressing [A] [2] [enter] all at once will activate debug
mode. (Early versions of the game do not require this step.) Once activated, these keys
will perform the following functions:
[F10] [G] God mode
[F10] [I] Free items
[F10] [J] Jump cheat (Note that you will not be able to jump
down while the jump cheat is activated)
[F10] [N] No clipping (Be careful. If you fall off the bottom
of the level, you'll die, even if you are in God Mode.)
[F10] [Y] View hidden areas in the level.
[F10] [B] Set border color (1-15)
[F10] [C] Show number of active/inactive objects in the level
[F10] [D] Record a demo
[F10] [E] End the current level
[F10] [M] Display memory usage
[F10] [S] Slow motion
[F10] [T] Sprite test
[F10] [V] Add 0-8 VBLs (Vertical Blanking Signal -- this will
do nothing for most users)
[F10] [W] Warp to any level
[F10] [Y] Reveal hidden areas
NOTE: These will also work for Keen Episode VI: Aliens Ate My Babysitter.

"Customer Cheat" means it's the cheat given out with
the registered version of the software.
"Debug Mode" means it's an unsupported cheat mode.
"Tech Parameter" means it's a code that does
something, but really isn't a cheat, it's more or less there to help Apogee Customer
"Misc Command Line Parameter" is the same type of
thing as Tech Parameter.
Cheat keys are not officially supported by Apogee. If you use
the debug keys, Apogee cannot provide any support, since this alters game performance to a
state where our standard support comments and issues might not apply. In short, using
cheat keys can cause the game to malfunction or crash. Use at your own risk!