3D & Spear of Destiny |
Customer Cheat
Pressing [I] [L] [M] all at the same time, will give you both
keys, and will give you 100% health. It will also take your score to zero. This cheat will
work in both the shareware and the registered version.
Debug Mode
The debug mode is activated with a different command line
parameter depending on what version of the game you have.
v1.0 -> -next (Once in the game, press [ctrl] [tab] [enter]
to activate)
v1.1+ -> -goobers (Once in the game, press [lshift] [alt]
[backspace] to activate)
Spear of Destiny -> -debugmode (Once in the game, press
[lshift] [alt] [backspace] to activate)
Once activated, these are the keys you can use.
[tab] [Q] - Quit
[tab] [W] - Warp to level xx
[tab] [E] - Exit to next level
[tab] [T] - Debug info in memory
[tab] [I] - Free items
[tab] [O] - Map of level (only works in beta versions of
[tab] [S] - Slow motion
[tab] [F] - Position info
[tab] [G] - God mode (no damage)
[tab] [H] - Hurt yourself
[tab] [X] - Extra stuff (???)
[tab] [C] - Statistics
[tab] [V] - Add extra VBLs (Vertical Blanking Signal -- this
will do nothing for most users except maybe increase or decrease the game speed.)
[tab] [B] - Change border color
[tab] [M] - Memory map
[tab] [N] - No clipping (walk through walls) - (This works
only in Wolf3D v1.0 shareware. This mode can cause really bad things to happen to the
game, including corrupting itself, which is why it was taken out.)
Hold down [M] when the game is starting to access a jukebox.
It only brings up a few songs at a time; if you keep on doing this, it will randomly pick
a separate list of songs for you to pick from.
Spear of Destiny Only
To get a Gang Screen, choose the window resize option, change
the window size, press enter to confirm, then immediately hold down the [I] and [D] keys
If you do nothing in the game for 30 seconds, BJ will either
cross his eyes or stick his tongue out at you. It happens quickly, so you have to watch
carefully. You can repeat this as many times as you like.
God mode is accessible in Spear without the use of the
-debugmode command line parameter. Simply hold [tab] [G] [F10] down together to toggle it.
Tech Support Command Line Parameters
HIDDENCARD - Disable checking for video card.
NOJOYS - Disable checking for joysticks.
NOMOUSE - Disable checking for mouse.
NOMAIN - Disable checking for main memory.
NOEMS - Disable checking for EMS memory.
NOXMS - Disable checking for XMS memory.
NOAL - Disable checking for Adlib.
NOSB - Disable checking for Sound Blaster.
NOPRO - Disable checking for Sound Blaster Pro.
NOSS - Disable checking for Sound Source.
SST - Disable checking for Tandy Sound Source.
SS1 - Disable checking for Sound Source on LPT1.
SS2 - Disable checking for Sound Source on LPT2.
SS3 - Disable checking for Sound Source on LPT3.
NO386 - Disable checking for 386.
The "NOWAIT" command line parameter will start the
game directly from the main menu.
If you press [B] [A] [T] all at once, you'll get a message
asking why you're trying to cheat, since this is the old Keen Galaxy cheat code.
quite some time, Apogee distributed a v1.4 of
Wolfenstein 3D without the cheat codes. If you try these cheat
codes, and they don't work, you have a "cheat codeless"
version of Wolfenstein 3D. In that case, contact
customer support about a replacement.

"Customer Cheat" means it's the cheat given out with
the registered version of the software.
"Debug Mode" means it's an unsupported cheat mode.
"Tech Parameter" means it's a code that does
something, but really isn't a cheat, it's more or less there to help Apogee Customer
"Misc Command Line Parameter" is the same type of
thing as Tech Parameter.
Cheat keys are not officially supported by Apogee. If you use
the debug keys, Apogee cannot provide any support, since this alters game performance to a
state where our standard support comments and issues might not apply. In short, using
cheat keys can cause the game to malfunction or crash. Use at your own risk!
