Duke Nukem II is
everything you'd want from an action game. An incredibly sophisticated game engine gives
this high-action game the power needed to 'nuke' your computer! Duke blasts his way
through your screen with enough firepower to wake your neighbors.
The original Duke Nukem, released June 1991, soared to the top of the Shareware Top 10
list, where's it's been camped for 22 straight months--no other shareware program (of any
type) has been this enduring and popular. But the reason for Duke's extraordinary success
is simple: It delivers the action players love, with state-of-the-art animation and
graphics. The new Duke Nukem II once again sets the new standard for arcade/action games.
In this latest saga, Duke Nukem, while being interviewed on TV about his best selling
book, "Why I'm So Great", is suddenly abducted by aliens. Duke's alien captor
explains that Duke's brain will be drained of all his knowledge, which will be used to
formulate a master plan to seize control of Earth. Duke has two choices: He can be turned
into a zombie by the EncephaloSucker, or 'kick-butt' like there's no tomorrow!
You guessed it! Our hero is ready for action. Duke must escape his alien prison cell, then
battle to end the hideous plans of the Rigelatins.
We're talkin'...
- Vivid, parallaxing graphics, with new graphics on every level!
- Ad Lib music and digitized (Sound Blaster/compatible) sound
- Super boss enemies to defeat.
- Special abilities, like invincibility for a short time.
- Duke rides in space shuttle fighter on many levels, for varied
- 32 action oriented levels in four tremendous episodes.
- Nearly every level presents a wildly unique scenario for Duke
to escape.
- Enemies, mutations, robo-droids, guards, traps--all after the
escaped Duke!
- Built-in radar to help Duke on each level.
- Save/restore, skill levels, cheat modes, secrets,
joystick/gamepad support.
- Game story by Tom Hall--the writer of all of Id Software's
game stories.
- Special graphics effects never before seen in an IBM PC game.
- Requires a VGA graphics card.
For fans of the original Duke Nukem, all of your favorite
touches are still here: soda cans for health, turkey for food, spy cameras watching your
every move, boxes you can destroy for bonuses and surprises, and more. Duke still flips,
and he walks hand over hand across pipes, chains and ropes, with the new ability of
shooting downward while doing so. Duke can also crouch, duck, and shoot upward.
Also, in Duke Nukem II, Duke has four weapons: blaster, laser cannon, missiles, and flame
thrower. The flame thrower, when aimed downward, propels Duke upward like a jetpack!
As with the original Duke Nukem, this game has many secret bonuses for you to discover
while playing the game, that really add to your high score. (For example, shoot all the
spy cameras on a level for an extra 50,000 points.)
released December 3, 1993.
