[ Developers Rule at 3D Realms]
[ Current Positions Available ]
Apogee and 3D Realms are die hard game players who make games without marketing pressure, corporate management, or arbitrary release dates. We make games we want to play, and we work on them until they are perfected and done. We are hard working, hard playing, highly motivated developers with a mission to succeed at all costs. We hire only the industry's cream-of-the-crop talent--and if you've got the talent, you can join us.
If you visit other game companies' web sites looking for a job you'll notice a lot of talk about what *they* need and not much about what they will give you. At Apogee and 3D Realms we operate under a different approach: We do everything possible to make each developer a key partner in the company and a critical team member who has true creative control over the project's outcome. The TEAM approach is in real practice here--it's not just a buzzword.
As part of this approach, we give all developers a royalty-like bonus, a real percentage of all revenues the game makes, including all revenues from derivative products, such as strategy guides, novels, action figures, movies, ports, you-name-it! Try to find this deal from any other game development company (you won't--unless you're a part owner).
Why is our deal so sweet? Because we want to attract the best of the best. In this industry you're not going to go far with average developers working on average games. We know that exceptional games are made by exceptional developers and we do everything we can to both attract and keep happy the best developers in the business.
(In fact, we've rarely lost a developer that hasn't left to go start their own business, such as Ion Storm and Ritual. This is a testament to the quality of talent we've attracted over the years.)
In summary, here's what you get when you work for Apogee/3D Realms that you probably won't get working at another developer/publisher:
A royalty-style bonus that's a percentage of the games you help create, along with ALL related derivative products, including ports.
Real creative influence on your game project.
Freedom from arbitrary completion date pressures, which allows the game to be made on its schedule, and not some suit's schedule.
Current Positions Available
None Currently Available |
