Do you have a custom license plate for your car
that is somehow related to computer (or console) gaming? If so, we'd like to see it!
We've started this page as a place where people can send
in pictures of their own license plates that we will show off. The plate doesn't
have to be about Apogee or 3D Realms games, it can be for any game. We're curious to
see who out there has created custom gaming license plates for their cars and what their
imagination has brought to the road. Shown here are two custom license plates
by folks here at 3D Realms.
Keith Schuler's 1994
Toyota Supra Twin Turbo |
Joe Siegler's 1996
Chevy Cavalier |
We got a
submission from none other than Ken Silverman (the author of the Build
engine that was used in Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc). Ken was
up at our offices back in 1995 to do some work on Duke Nukem 3D when he
snapped this picture of Todd Replogle's car at the time. (Todd was the
main programmer for the first three Duke Nukem PC games.) Check it out
- Texas plates of "I NUKUM". Todd no longer lives in
the state of Texas, but this is a pretty cool plate, and we're thankful for
Ken for finding this shot.

Todd Replogle's 1995 Acura NSX
August of 2000, we received a license plate submission of a car driven
by someone simply knows as "Wiseass".
He's part of an online gaming clan (BINTY) that specializes in Duke
Nukem & Quake play. His license plate is also Duke Nukem
influenced. Check it out:

96 Pontiac GrandAm

Jason Miller's w00t plate!
This page can only grow if you submit entries.
If you have a picture (either conventional or digital) of your car's license plate,
send it to us! We'd love to show it here. If you wish, you can remain
anonymous. If you have a digital picture, you can send it to Joe Siegler at
[email protected].
If you have a conventional picture, you can mail it to us, we'll scan it and
send it back to you. Please send the photos to:
3D Realms License Plate Page
P.O. Box 496419
Garland, TX 75049-6389
We're eager to see what's out there, so get
We do request that the plate be a
license plate, not a plate from a car in a computer game. :)