Break the glass on the roof and drop into the building. Watch out for the trip mine going to the next room.
Check out the radio and then eliminate the 2 guards in the next room.
There will be two guards on the other side of the large garage door. After that take care of the trip mine and head to the next area.
Open the big gate and there will be 3 guards in the next room. Two on the floor level and one above the action. Once
the battle is won head up the stairs and grab the painkillers. Then back down to ground level, over the small platform to the door on the opposite far corner. There are two guards in there working on some trip mines. So just lob a grenade in to take care of both of them.
The next major room has 3 guard. One on a platform to your left and two across the way. Once they are dead head to the small platform to your left as you entered. Once up there turn to face the door you entered through as a guard will come in after you. Just blow the barrel to take care of him. Then cross the gap using the pipes. Once on the other side another guard will come down the stairs. Head up the stairs.
You come to a narrow hall. There are three turns and a guard at each turn. The first guard will throw a grenade so just run around the first corner.
There are two guard through the next room and then go up the stairs to the next area. There are two guards in the
break room, you can pause before killing them to listen to there conversation.
Check out the phone on the desk and then exit at the end of the hall to finish the level.
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This walkthrough was created by
Charles Adams.
It originally appeared online
Reprinted with permission. |