New York, NY - February 29, 2000 GT Interactive: Duke Nukem Scores Big With His Newest Game for the
PlayStation Game Console: Planet of the Babes
Only the King of Action Can Rescue a Planet of Beautiful Babes Fighting for Their Life Against a New and Powerful Alien
Threat--No One Said Being Duke was Easy!
YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 29, 2000-- Babes. Lots of them in
desperate need of help. That's all the argument necessary to recruit
gaming's undisputed King of Action into saving a planet as GT
Interactive Software (Nasdaq:GTIS - news) unleashes Duke Nukem: Planet
of the Babes for the PlayStation® game console. Developed by n-Space,
Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes is slated to hit stores in May, and
features white-knuckling combat through interactive, high-resolution
3D environments. With scores of new weapons, enemies and advanced
artificial intelligence, Duke is in for the fight of his heroic life.
of the Babes shoots high and scores, a true milestone release in the
Duke Nukem franchise,'' said Tony Kee, Vice President of Marketing for
GT Interactive. ``Planet of the Babes delivers mature, compelling game
play that pushes the envelope with no-holds-barred combat,
high-resolution graphics, a new and very innovative Duke survival
system that replaces the typical health system found in all other
shooters, and lest we forget, lots of babes.''
Earth's distant future, an alien race has launched a full-scale
invasion, sinking the human population into anarchy and terror. The
aliens then embark on their hideous primary objective: wiping out the
male population so they can enslave women for use in their
hybridization program. However, some women managed to escape, and
united to form the Unified Babe Resistance (UBR).
the scanty UBR defenses are being annihilated by a powerful new alien
weapon, and with all hope nearly lost, they turn to Earth's long
distant history and legendary hero, Duke Nukem. Using a time portal
device, the UBR track down Duke and make his choice very simple: Help
them or there will be no chicks in the future. Without hesitation,
Duke answers, ``Let's Rock.''.
Features include:
- Innovative ``Ego'' based health system for Duke Nukem, who will gain and lose Ego based on his actions in the game;
- 24 fully detailed levels including 14 single player levels, 4 challenging training areas, and 6 multiplayer levels, all packed with explosive secret areas;
- High-tech inventory including Infra-red goggles, Jetpack, Teleporter, GasMask and Duke's High-tech Shades Operating System!
- Arsenal of weapons including Blaster, Flamer, RPG, and Grenade Launcher; plus Duke's new official weapon the golden Desert Eagle; each weapon also
includes an auto-aiming option;
- Over 20 Deadly new enemies including Mutant Gorillas, Chimpanzees and Orangutangs, Hunter Killer Babes, Hoglodytes, plus perennial favorites such as Pig
Cops and Octabrains;
- Mission Based game play featuring more than 25 real-time cinematic sequences to advance the plot. Also featuring un-lockable 'blooper' outtakes;
- Intense first person perspective multi-player support for two-players, featuring three modes of split-screen viewing;
- Improved controls! Planet of the Babes offers jumping, climbing, swimming, jetpacking and zero gravity exploration. Also, Duke will ``auto-action'' things like
opening doors, or simple actions like climbing short ledges, making game play more user-friendly.
Nukem: Planet of the Babes is slated for release in May at a suggested
retail price of $49.95. Additional information can be found on the
World Wide Web at http://legacy.3drealms.com/babes/.
Inc. (www.n-space.com,) based in
Orlando, Florida, is a leading developer of entertainment software for
the PlayStation and Microsoft Windows. Established in 1994, n-Space
creates compelling, state-of-the-art games with cutting-edge 3D
technology and vivid, inspiring imagery. n-Space enjoyed great success
with Duke Nukem : Time to Kill and Rugrats 1 & 2, and has just
completed Die Hard Trilogy 2. n-Space is represented by Interactive
Studio Management, LLC.
Realms Entertainment develops compelling interactive entertainment
that takes advantage of the latest 3D gaming technology, with a focus
on the PC platform. Best known for the Duke Nukem game franchise
(since 1991), 3D Realms creates content rich games that focus strongly
on central characters. With its offices near Dallas, Texas, 3D Realms,
a division of Apogee Software, Ltd., has been a key innovator since
1987, when it pioneered the shareware approach to game distribution.
The company is now one of the best known and respected developers of
computer entertainment worldwide.
in New York, GT Interactive Software Corp. (Nasdaq:GTIS - news) is a
leading global developer, publisher and distributor of interactive
consumer software. The company maintains four divisions: Children's
Publishing, Leisure Publishing, Frontline Publishing and Distribution.
The company has publishing operations throughout the world with
offices in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Holland and Australia.
GT Interactive also has seven internal development studios: Humongous
Entertainment, Cavedog Entertainment, SingleTrac, WizardWorks,
Oddworld, Legend Entertainment and Reflections. GT Interactive's
e-commerce system provides secure online transactions through each of
the studios' Web sites and http://www.gtstore.com/.
GT Interactive can be found on the Internet at http://www.gtgames.com/.
and the PlayStation logos are registered trademarks of Sony Computer
Entertainment Inc.