Chris Hargrove
One of them programmer
3D Realms Duties
I write code. I also eat sometimes, since food is good. I used to sleep, but that became terribly
inefficient. I like caffeine a lot.
Projects Worked on
For Others: Mageslayer (programmer), Take No Prisoners (programmer)
For 3D Realms: Duke Nukem Forever (programmer)
Education / Career Highlights
Your typical elementary/intermediate
schools, Herndon High School, 2 1/2 years at Virginia Tech.
Before Apogee I worked at Raven
Software for a little over a year or so, which was my first real
position in the field. Prior to that I spent most of my waking hours
creating happy little pieces of code and smashing my grade point
average into nothingness. I've only been really programming to any
degree for about 4 years, but it's been a hectic 4 years. I plan to
program until I die, at which point my programming presence will be
felt on all of the alternate planes of existence which I have not yet
Other Interests / Hobbies
Women, Games, Women, Music, Women, Food, and Women.
What He Drives
A '96 Dodge Neon, Base style. A nice car for 10k, which is good since I don't have more to spend.
Changes from week to week. If it's hard hitting and electronic in some fashion, I probably like it.
Sports Team
The Green and Gold. Titletown. Lombardi's legends. Take a wild guess (yes I only lived in Wisconsin for a year, but that's all it takes to be a convert for life. They do
that deliberately I think).
Computer Games
Quake, Warcraft 2, Epic Pinball. All soon to be surpassed by the phenomenal power of DNF.
"I'm the man and you're the man and he's the man as well so you can point that f--king finger up your a--" -Tool