These are all of the enemies you will face
in Shadow Warrior.

Brown Evil Ninja - Can do all player actions (climb,
duck, hide behind boxes). Shoots an uzi or throws shurikens. Will commit suicide.
Red Evil Ninja - Will do everything his brown cousin
does, plus he can shoot small rockets at you, as well as shoot uzis. This ninja does not
waste his time with shurikens.
Shadow Ninja - The most fearsome of the
lot, this ninja uses the ancient skills to stay nearly invisible. He can blast you with
two type of magic napalm, one being a wall of fire. Beware, because this ninja is also
skilled in the use of Flash Bombs. Once blinded, you will have little chance of survival.

These unskilled asian workers pose little
threat from long distances, but fear them at short range. They carry a wooden crate filled
with TNT and will make kamikaze runs at you when you get close enough. You can use their
explosive nature to destroy other enemies as well.

Not content with attacking you once, some
Coolies will spawn a specteral ghost after they make their great sacrifice. These
apparitions will float around phasing in and out of existence, taking time out to heave
nasty gobs of bloody goo at you.

These large gorilla like creatures are very
strong. They will leap at you from long distances, or from below. They can cling to walls
above you, waiting to drop at any moment. Or they will charge you at full speed and start
ripping at your flesh. You will not survive long if they are not dealt with. (You can
sometimes kill one and use their HEART as a weapon. FULL VERSION ONLY)

This variety of Ripper is brown in color, much
larger and much stronger that his grey counterpart. Be afraid if you meet one in a dark
room. (You can sometimes kill one and use their HEART as a weapon. FULL VERSION ONLY)

This is a four armed evil snake like creation
of Zilla himself. He can shoot devastating energy bolts from his eyes, and when attacked,
will spawn a circle of exploding accursed heads. These heads will launch themselves at you
in order to protect their evil master. Be very prepared for battle when you meet a Serpent

These denizens of the deep look like normal
KOI until you get close and notice the rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. Alone they pose
little threat, but in schools, you better make a run for dry ground.

These overgrown yellow jackets will do minor
damage to you, but beware a swarm of them. They are extremely fast and erratic moving,
making them hard to hit, and will continually sting away at your health.

These reddish demonic heads will be either
buried in the ground up to the top of their skulls, of just floating in mid air awaiting
your arrival. Once you get close, they will attack in several ways via explosion, flash
bomb, spewing out caltrops or other nastiness. They prey on the careless adventurer who
does not look where they are going.

You may encounter some of these cute little
creatures along your way. What you do with them is your business.
The following enemies appear only in
the registered version of Shadow Warrior.

New Ninjas have been added to the collection above:
Orange Ninja - These ninjas have the added ability
to shoot heat seeking rockets at you. Very nasty in open areas. You can kill them and
sometimes get a heat seeker card for your own rocket.
Gray Ninja - These ninjas have been
upgraded with the ability to launch grenades at you. Considering the blast radius of
grenades, these guys are particularly nasty. You can collect more grenades when you kill

These are smaller / faster versions of their
parents, only they move much faster and will spit a greenish gooey substance all over you.
They are very hungry and need food to grow.

These 10 foot tall 'guardians' are very tough
indeed. You will need many shotgun blasts to bring one down. As if that's not bad enough
they can shoot fireballs from their eyes that deal a lot of damage. At close range they
will switch to using a sword that will cut you to pieces very quickly. These guys are best
dealt with at long distances. (You can sometimes kill them and then use their HEAD as a

She can do many of the things the base ninja
can do, but she is much more deadly. Carrying a crossbow, she will shoot bolts in your
direction at high speed. She can also loft sticky mines your way, making it very difficult
to stay in one place. Treat these ladies with some respect.

This giant nightmare of a Sumo wrestler will
meet you with a vengeance. His mass alone will cause damage as he stomps on the ground,
sending shock waves your way. Getting too near will yield a Sumo hand clap that will do
great damage and leave you disoriented. There are other attacks you will have to discover
on your own.

Zilla is the final boss of the game. No
information is available.