that are listed on this page are not supported by Apogee, 3D Realms,
or Pinball Wizards. Support for these titles is handled by Atari
Games (formerly GT
Interactive/Infogrames). Please do not write 3D Realms about these titles,
as we'd only have to refer you to Atari Support anyway.
online support area can be reached at
The titles that are not supported by
Apogee / 3D Realms / Pinball Wizards are:
Duke Nukem 64
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy
Nukem: Land of the Babes
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
Special Death Rally Note: There is one exception to this. If
you have Death Rally, and get the error message about not being able
to install the game because your machine only has 8Mb of memory, then
you need to download
this replacement install program - do not use the one on the CD,
use the one you download.