Email Support

Attention 3DR Forum Members
: If your question pertains to the operation of our Web Forums, you can send your query to [email protected].  Please note - the ubb email account is only for forum issues.  If you send a technical support issue to the ubb email account it is likely to not be answered.   If you need technical assistance with one of our products, see this text below:

You've reached this page because you've been unable to find an answer on our standard support pages.  If you haven't checked that page out already, please do so.  The most commonly asked questions and solutions are online - and it's a good bet that the answer to your question is already online.

However, if you are unable to find an answer online, then drop us a line at [email protected].  However, we would request that you please use the online help area first before sending email here, because most questions can be answered there.