The following links are provided as a service to Apogee/3D Realms
customers. The services listed below are not affiliated with us, and
we make no warranties with regard to the continued availability of
these services or to the content and information provided by these
If your computer was configured with a sound card when you purchased
it, you should try to obtain the appropriate drivers from the
computer manufacturer. Many of the following companies supply sound
chipsets which are often customized by computer manufacturers.
If you purchased a separate sound card or cannot obtain the
appropriate drivers through the computer manufacturer you may be
able to obtain updated drivers from the following companies.
If your computer was configured with a video card when you purchased
it, you should try to obtain the appropriate drivers from the
computer manufacturer. Many of the following companies supply video
chipsets which are often customized by computer manufacturers.
If you purchased a separate video card or cannot obtain the
appropriate drivers through the computer manufacturer you may be
able to obtain updated drivers from the following companies.