An incredible EGA
game (VGA compatible) with large animated characters, and huge levels. Your mission is to
stop Dr. Proton, a madman bent on ruling the world with his army of Techbots. As the
irrepressible hero Duke Nukem, you'll chase Dr. Proton deep into the Earth, then to his
lunar space station, and eventually into the Earth's nuclear ravished future.
This is an astonishing Sega Genesis style game with amazing animation! Also features dual
scrolling play fields, with huge 3D-like backdrops. Watch Duke somersault and cling on to
ceilings as he escapes traps and battles Proton's robot guards. This game is a real show
Other features include four-way scrolling levels, cinematic effects, demo mode, built-in
hint mode, arcade sound effects, joystick support, high score chart, save/restore up to
nine games, unlimited continues, keyboard reconfigure, sound on/off toggle, cheat mode,
and much more...
This is a game that spawned a gaming legend!
released July 1, 1991.
Game originally created by Todd Replogle, Allen Blum, George Broussard, & Scott Miller.
does my copy of Duke Nukem say "Duke Nukum"?
There is frequently a great deal of
confusion over the correct spelling of one of Apogee's most prized
characters, Duke Nukem. The original spelling for the name was
"Duke Nukem"; however, during the code fix stage between
v1.0 and v2.0 of the original game, Apogee found a character overseas
named "Duke Nukem" that was thought to be copyrighted. So,
for v2.0 of the original Duke game, the name was changed to "Duke
Nukum." Then, during the programming of the next Duke Nukem game
(Duke Nukem II), it was discovered that the character they found
overseas was not copyrighted after all -- and so the original name was
reinstated. "Duke Nukem" is also the spelling used in all
successive games that featured the character.
The spellings "Duke Nuke
'em," "Duke Nuke'um," "Duke Nuke'm,"
"Duke Nuk'em" or other variations are not, and were never,
correct. The correct spelling of the game is "Duke
This text is taken from the Apogee FAQ,
which can be obtained online in our FAQ