Duke Nukem 3D ® for Xbox LIVE Arcade

Nukem, the politically incorrect action hero and ultimate alien ass
kicker, defends Earth and its babes from alien invasion. This is the
award winning game that helped define the FPS genre and that
introduced unparalleled interactivity and a main character that
spoke. Take the fight to the aliens across 39 levels featuring
Hollywood, Los Angeles, a moon base and alien spacecraft. Innovative
items like the Jetpack, HoloDuke, Shrink Ray or Pipe Bombs, allow
you to fight the aliens in any style you want. Defeat the aliens, so
Duke can get back to some R&R with a stogie, a warm belly and a
bottle of Jack.
Available now
from 3D Realms for the Xbox 360

Prey is the story of Tommy, who is a
down-on-his-luck garage mechanic, stuck in the middle on
who-knows-where on some forgotten reservation, where Native
Americans are tucked away out of sight, out of mind.
And then the unthinkable happens! Earth becomes prey to the
galaxy's largest predator, a space bound Texas-sized alien that's
looking to satiate its hunger with the organic goodness that most
populates Earth: Us. And the first course is a certain forgotten
Available now from
Human Head & 3D Realms for the PC
Available now from Human Head, 3D Realms, & Venom for the Xbox 360.
Available from Aspyr for the Macintosh.

Nukem Mobile Aliens are
invading your Tapwave.. Who you gonna call: Duke Nukem!
Duke Nukem invades the world of the
handheld market via the Zodiac Tapwave with all his usual ass kickin'
Available now from Machineworks & 3D Realms for the Zodiac Tapwave
& cellular phones.

Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
A Film Noir Love Story The
continuing adventures of Max Payne, this time joined by Mona Sax.
Available now from Remedy & 3D Realms for the PC, PS2, & Xbox.

Nukem: Manhattan Project
What is Duke Nukem Manhattan Project?
Think Duke I and II, in a fully 3D
environment with the wit and sarcasm of Duke 3D. That doesn't mean
anything to you? How about Duke Nukem, aliens, weapons, babes, and
lots of ass kicking? Still not enough? Click on the box art to
your left for more.
Developed by
(overseen by 3D Realms) for the PC.

years back a young NYPD cop, Max Payne, came home one night to find
his family senselessly slaughtered by a gang of drug-crazed junkies,
high on a previously unknown synthetic drug. Now that same drug,
Valkyr, has spread through the whole New York City like a nightmare
plague, and Max Payne’s on a crusade for revenge, out to get even.
To Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, this new drug was evil
incarnate, to be stopped at any cost. Max's boss and best
friend, the only one who knew his true identity, has been murdered,
and Max's been framed for the slaying.
by Remedy Entertainment
(overseen by 3D Realms) for the PC.
Also available for the Xbox, Playstation 2, & Macintosh platforms.
Looking for the PS2 &
Xbox versions? Click here.
Say sayonara to all the Ninja wannabees that have gone before and
strap on your combat sandals.. Lo Wang is coming to the Land of the
Rising Sun to turn out the lights. If you can't touch, kill, or
drive something, than blow it away! Enter the world's most
interactive 3D environment, and cut yourself some sushi!
Available now from 3D Realms for the PC & from MacSoft for the
Nukem 3D Atomic Edition
The classic PC action game of all time - the one that launched Duke
Nukem into superstardom! The Atomic Edition of Duke Nukem 3D
includes the original Duke Nukem 3D, as well as the built-in
Plutonium PAK!
This game, set sometime in the early 21st century, begins in a ravaged
LA, which was overtaken by aliens. Duke, upon returning to Earth, finds
himself with another mess to clean up, and another alien race that needs
exterminating. Duke is a can-do hero who realizes that sometimes
innocent people have to die in order to save Earth, so accuracy of gun
fire is not a real concern to him.
Available now from 3D Realms for the PC & from MacSoft for the