Duke Nukem 3D Walkthrough

Do you find yourself consistently lost
in Duke Nukem 3D? Can you never get 100% on the levels?
If you've always wondered where the fifth secret is in the Tiberius
Station level, how to get your way out of Derelict without pulling
your hair out, or how to find the Indiana Jones, Snake Plissken, or
Capt Picard gags in the game, well, this is for you. This is
the official walkthrough for Duke Nukem 3D from 3D Realms.
This will show you how to complete every level in the game, where
all the secrets are, and probably teach you a few things here and
there that you never knew about the game.
This walkthrough works for both the PC
and Xbox 360 versions of the game. The screenshots themselves
are technically from the Xbox 360 version of the game, but with one
minor exception in a single level, they're the same maps, so you can
use them on both versions.
If you have any questions about the
walkthrough, or wish to discuss it, you can do so in
area of our forums.