William Scarboro Has Died
Have some sad news to report. Former Apogee/3DR programmer William Scarboro has died. He died of an asthma attack on Friday August 9th, and his funeral was today.
William was born March 2, 1971 in El Paso, TX. He was a graduate of Texas A&M with a degree in Computer Science. He came to work here back in 1993, and was the first programmer we hired back then when we started doing in house development. He was mainly known for his work on Rise of the Triad where he worked on actor code, weapon stuff, and the gibs. In fact, William was responsible for the old /EKG gib cheat in ROTT.
His obituary was in the Dallas Morning News Website - the date listed there as his date of death was wrong, but otherwise is correct.
Sad news - and definitely put a damper on all of our thoughts now.

Posted by Joe Siegler on August 19, 2002 at 4:40 PM | Permalink
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