Garland, TX - January 22, 1997 3D Realms Fans,
This is a quick note to tell you that 3D Realms has sold the rights to Blood (an upcoming
3D game) to Monolith Productions. The game will be published in retail by GT
Interactive. For more information read the Monolith press release.
George Broussard
3D Realms Entertainment
NOTE: The following is the press release from Monolith Productions

Monolith Productions Announces Blood and Q Studios
Kirkland, Washington -January 22, 1997
Monolith Productions today announced the recent acquisition of all the rights to 3D action
horror game Blood from 3D Realms. "Monolith believes that Blood will be THE
deathmatch game of choice in 1997. The horrific nature of the game and quality of gameplay
will give Blood the foundation it needs to become a phenomenal hit," says Monolith
CEO Jason Hall. "This acquisition gives us the ability to give Blood the support and
attention that it deserves," says Monolith Product Manager Matt Saettler.
While Monolith now owns all content and rights to Blood, the game will still be published
and distributed by GT Interactive. "GT is a great publisher," says Hall,
"they're one of the biggest and one of the best. They've clearly shown the desire and
ability to promote and support Blood. We couldn't be happier with their efforts."
A shareware release of Blood is expected in March.
In related business, Monolith Productions today announced the recent acquisition and
merger of Q Studios Corporation, a software development studio best known for its
soon-to-be-released 3D action game, Blood.
Founded in 1994, Q Studios, a privately held Redmond, Washington based-company,
specializes in 3Daction and strategy games and brings nearly 10 years of development
experience to the Monolith staff.
The Q Studios acquisition is "a perfect partnership" says Hall. "We believe
the relationship will be synergistic and beneficial to all those involved."
The Q Studios engineers, artists, and designers joined Monolith's full-time development
staff, bringing many highly skilled and talented individuals to the development mix at
Monolith's Kirkland headquarters. Q Studios executives who joined the Monolith team
include Nick Newhard, former president of Q Studios and Lead Designer of Blood.
Founded in 1994, Monolith Productions, Inc. is a privately held Kirkland, Washington-based
entertainment company that specializes in producing quality, eye-popping games for the PC.
Monolith games are made by gamers for gamers.
Note to reviewers or editors: If you are interested in more information about Monolith
Productions, please check out the Monolith web page at http://www.lith.com
(c) 1997 Monolith Productions, Inc.. All rights reserved. Blood is Trademark of Monolith
Productions, Inc.