Garland, TX - June 6, 1997 Hail to the King, Baby! MacSoft Releases
Duke3D for the Macintosh
The best selling game of 1996, 3D Realms' Duke Nukem 3D is
coming to the Macintosh as MacSoft ships the title today. Duke Nukem 3D for the Macintosh
offers many all-new features, including direct head to head Internet play via TCP/IP
addresses, digitally recorded music, on the fly switching of screen resolutions and
keyboard layouts, and recording of original network taunts. Adding to the intense
multiplayer fun, Macintosh users can now play against either PCs or Macs over a local area
network or the Internet.
MacSoft's Duke Nukem 3D for the Macintosh contains all the fast paced action packed levels
found in the Atomic Edition, which includes all the original Duke Nukem 3D levels as well
as those found in the Plutonium PAK. Having captivated PC gamers by combining strong
character development, gripping graphics and irreverent humor with an advanced 3D gaming
engine, Duke Nukem 3D is sure to "raise the bar" for first person action games
on the Mac.
"Duke Nukem is one of the most highly rated computer games ever," said Peter
Tamte, executive director of MacSoft. "Macintosh players can now experience first
hand Duke's attitude and humor, as well as its advanced technology and extraordinarily
addictive game play."
Duke Nukem 3D requires any 68040 or higher Macintosh with at least 8MB of RAM, color
monitor, and CD-ROM drive. 16Mb RAM is required for network gameplay.
MacSoft, an affiliate of GT Interactive Software Corp., is ranked among the top ten
Macintosh publishers in North America by PC Data. Headquartered in NY, GT Interactive
Software Corp. is a leading global publisher of entertainment and edutainment software
under the GT Interactive, Humongous Entertainment, and Cavedog Entertainment brands for
personal computers as well as video game systems from Sony, Nintendo, & Sega. Among GT
Interactive's best sellers are Duke Nukem 3D & Quake. The company is a leader in
value-priced software. Located at http://www.gtinteractive.com
on the World Wide Web, GT
Interactive is publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market System under the symbol GTIS.