Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Harmless conflict; some damage to objects |
Creatures injured or
killed; damage to objects; fighting |
Humans injured or killed;
with small amount of blood |
Humans injured or killed;
blood and gore |
Wanton and gratuitous
violence; torture; rape |
No nudity or revealing attire / Romance, no sex |
Revealing attire / Passionate
kissing |
Partial nudity / Clothed
sexual touching |
Non-sexual frontal nudity
/ Non-explicit sexual activity |
Provocative frontal nudity
/ Explicit sexual activity; sex crimes |
Inoffensive slang; no profanity |
Mild expletives |
Expletives; non-sexual
anatomical references |
Strong, vulgar language;
obscene gestures |
Crude or explicit sexual
references |