Contest #66: January 1 to 14, 1999

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The winning entry was submitted by Al Hunt and picked by Steve Blackburn. It was:

Robin Hood & his Merry Man!

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Right before his moment of fame, Steve Blackburn decided he could no longer hold in what he had been saving up since dinner. With much glee, Martinus stands proud... giving his tacit approval of what his friend just released. (James Walter)
  2. "What do you get when you mix Zorro and Carrot Top? Martinus!" (Gregg Massar)
  3. If you stretch your imagination, drink plenty of booze, and stare at these faces for long enough, each one starts to look like the other, upside-down. (Steven Roy Michelson)
  4. Steve to Martinus: "DAMN! Ultima Online really SUCKED, Lord British!" (Nick Kloba)
  5. "This year Steve got what he wanted for Christmas, as starring role in the new film 'Shakespeare in Love II: the Unspeakable Love." (Andrew Hanson)
  6. (Steve:) Hey Martinus, we both know when we come to these Christmas parties we might get lucky. Which is why I'm wearing this festive santas hat and have mistletoe in my hand, but why are you wearing that? Think it might help your chances? (Martinus:) I dunno about the chicks, but I'm starting to find myself atractive! (Robert Heddy)
  7. Bloody hell, not ANOTHER mistletoe!  (Rowan Crawford)
  8. "Oh come on Martinus, Santa really doesn't care if you can't grow a full beard and that you have a funny name. Once we get you in those green tights you'll look just like the other elves!" (Lee Ebersold)
  9. Laddie, where's me sword? (ala "The Three Musketeers")  (Bill Goodhead)

In reality, this is Steve Blackburn (L) and Martinus (R) hamming it up at our 1998 Christmas Party.

NOTE: In the almost three years I've been running this contest, I've never seen one person described as so many different people from a single picture.  Martinus was said (in all the entries I got for this picture) to have looked like Christopher Columbus, Zorro, CarrotTop, Shakespeare, a girl, Friar Tuck, Musketeers, a pirate, Queen Victoria, D'artangion, an elf, Erol Flynn, Robin Hood, & Lord British!

NOTE 2: This was one of the harder contests I had picking a winner for in some time.  I had to ask a few people here for their help on this one!