Contest #67: January 15 to 28, 1999

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The winning entry was submitted by Daryl Brown. It was:

Chris: "Just try and hit me in the nuts. Nah Nah........OUCH"

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Mike waits for Chris to throw the frisbee before quickly reaching up to pick his nose. He always forgets about this camera... (Matt Reeves)
  2. An impersonation of Jonathan Frakes performing an orangutan mating dance. (Shiela McLean)
  3. "Having not been to the beach in years, Mike sees Chris playing frisbee and imagines him in a thong bikini." (Gregg Massar)
  4. Notice they are careful to avoid the sunlight... (Adam Rofer)
  5. "Here we have circled in blue ink the bullet that is flying toward Mr. Johnson. In a spectacular move, he immediately does the splits and dodges the bullet, avoiding certain death." (Matt Reeves)
  6. A Hunk-a Hunk-a burnin artist! Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building. (Ryan Sanders)
  7. "Come on Mike, git jiggy wit it!" (Mitch Anderson)
  8. Time passes slowly before the release of Daikatana. (Aaron Larson)
  9. Worried that Chris has taken his 'Xena' obsession to the extreme, Mike watches as his coworker patiently awaits his frisbee's return. (Scott Kemery)
  10. Chris and Mike are out there filming their weight loss video. Lets listen in. Chris - "Cmon people!! Do you feel the burn?! Ohh I want somebody to love, whoa I need somebody to...." (Matt Reeves)

In reality, this is Mike Wallin (top) and Chris Johnson (bottom) playing Frisbee in our back parking lot.