Contest #139: January 11th to January 24th, 2002

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The winning entry was submitted by Ryan Randolph. It was:

Click here for a larger image!Keith Schuler awaits "hitting" that piņata with his stick.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. The bachelor party suddenly grew quiet as the guys wondered just what that extra $100 they spent for something special was. (Jon Humphreys)
  2. Why they nickname Rose "The Black Widow". She seduces, mates and then kills! (Don Chin)
  3. A moment of silence for the late Oscar the Grouch. (Mike Guay)
  4. Yes Rose, "I'm gonna rip off your head and stick chopsticks down your neck." is a good line but not quite what we need for Duke Nukem Forever. (Jim Sales)
  5. "And runner-up for best costume: Rose Schuler as 'Chia Pet'!" (Death Mage ???)
  6. "I should've known that Oscar the Grouch would taste like trash." (Sam Machkovech)
  7. Shoot it, it's worse than a real teletubby; it's a teletubby wannabe. (Eric Schafenberg)
  8. After the successful Grinch hunt, Rose proudly displays the slaughtered carcass. Residents of Whoville could not be reached for comment. (Joel McQuiggan)
  9. Here we see Rose, the master of disguise, just before being sent to spy on a Mexican birthday party. (Christopher O'Connor)
  10. Hoping to placate the fans, the all-seeing, all-knowing Madame Rosetta is called upon to divine, for once and for all, when Duke Nukem Forever will ship. Unfortunately her crystal Magic 8-Ball would only reply "Better Not Tell You Now." (Keith Schuler)
  11. Tired of her husband answering "When it's done" to every single question, be it "When will you be done with that game?", "When are you going to take out the trash?" or "How was your day today?", Rose vengefully dons the so-called "Birth Control Hat." (Keith Schuler again)
  12. Rose demonstrates her suggested idea for one of the fatality maneuvers in Xenophage 2. The victor would rip off the head of her opponent and wear it like a hat for the next round of combat. (Keith Schuler one last time)

In reality, this is Keith Schuler's wife Rose with a mutilated piņata at one of our Christmas parties.