Contest #117: March 2nd to March 15th, 2001

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The winning entry was submitted by Unknown (no name given with the entry). It was:

First Aid Tip #305: Here we see the importance of a friendly, non-threatening demeanor when helping someone whose buttocks have gotten stuck in the toilet.

Here are some of the runners up - in no particular order.

  1. Seeking only a tip, Douglas Wood, pizza delivery boy, has carried his extra-large, anchovies and double cheese across a threshold not of sight and sound, but of mind, into.....the Twilight Zone." (Michael Olsen)
  2. Silly me! I forgot to wait until you say "WE ALL FALL DOWN!" (Samiris Collins)
  3. All three prepare for 6 footed "mighy foot" Russian dance attack. (Gerald Lee)
  4. Joe: "Guys. This definetly isn't the way to kick ass and chew bubble gum." (Paul Lapides)
  5. Roger Ebert says, "Either this is the beginning of a very promising independent buddy flick, or the worst gay porn movie of ALL TIME!" (Don Chin)
  6. Joe and Doug show a drunken Gallagher the door with plans of later releasing him in a watermelon patch with a tack hammer. (Humberto Yeverino)
  7. Notice that Doug's hands are hidden, while Joe and Tom look surprised and pleased at the same time. (Adam Rofer)
  8. No matter how hard you try, a camera will not be able to express the true beauty of a fart joke. (Cameron Orr)
  9. "No Pants Day is officially a success!" (Logan Johnston)
  10. "This is what they call Gathering Of Developers?" That's disgusting!! (Jos Leenders)

And, this honorable mention:

  1. It looks like 1/3 of the Triad hadn't risen yet. (Tom Hall)

In reality, this is (L-R) Joe Siegler, Doug Wood (of Valve), and Tom Hall (of Ion Storm) hamming it up for the camera.