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The winning entry was submitted by Phillip
Dido. It was:
Chana: Oh dear GOD!
He really *was* Mark Wahlberg's body double in "Boogie Nights"!
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- What do you mean, small? They used the shrink ray,
dammit! The shrink ray! (Don Euclid)
- Steve Hornback is amused and Chana is horrified by Allen
Blum's attempt to crossbreed his new Duke Nukem action figure with a Barbie doll. (Jason
- Allen thinks to himself, "Dad just said I'd go blind, he
never told me THIS would happen! Chana screams hysterically, "Oh the humanity!"
(Michael Gough)
- Allen discovers the true sprit of Christmas does not lie in
his pants. (Adam Rofer)
- "Viagra!" (Michael Moen)
- The Full Monty - Some people like it, others don't.
(Adam Rofer)
- Chana suddenly realized that in the heat of the moment of
wrapping gifts and doing laundry she wrapped the wrong stuff... mean while Allen is
wondering exactly what he will be doing with 4 pairs of women's panties. (Ryan
In reality, this is Allen Blum & Scott Miller's
ex-wife Chana looking at a present Al opened at our 1997 Xmas party.
them L-R: Kevin Green & his girlfriend (under Santa Claus), Steve Hornback and his
wife (lower on stairs), Keith Schuler and his wife (higher on stairs), and Steve
Blackburn's girlfriend (standing).