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The winning entry was submitted by Bryan
Neff. It was:
Which of these guys has just discovered Viagra?
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- Ruben swallows a flash bomb. (Adam Rofer)
- E3 Demo?! Yeah right... I think we all know what 8 single 30
year old men are watching... (Martin Wiener)
- Suddenly realizing his teeth are fused together and he is
glowing white-hot, Ruben turns to the camera seconds before spontaneously combusting.
(Jonathan Zulkeski)
- Here we see Ruben's best attempt at image editing to prove to
the boss that he REALLY was at work that day. (Dan Murphy)
- 'Adamant that despite having worked himself to death, Ruben
should not be excused from making a valuable contribution to the team, Joe waited to
rigor-mortis had set in and used the corpse to prop up the live-cam. All went well, until
the rest of the team started to notice the smell.' (Chris McMullen)
- Exactly how long has Allen Blum's hat been grafted to his
head? (Adam Rofer)
- Ruben Cabrera peaks into the shot and yells, "Hey
suckers, let's see you think up a funny caption for THIS lame picture!" (Alan
- Nick, George, Alan, and Chris cannot resist the horrible
sleep-inducing boredom power of Ruben's vacation video. (Michael Lynch)
- Ruben tries yet again to get a wave going. (Adam Rofer)
- If we had hammocks at work, we could sleep and not look quite
so stupid. (Trey Bennett)
In reality, this is the Duke Forever team watching a
copy of the E3 Demo Tape.
L-R: Nick Shaffner, George Broussard, Allen Blum (light hat), Keith Schuler, Chris
Hargrove (darker hat), Brian Cozzens, Chris Johnson, & Ruben Cabrera.