Contest #50: May 22 to June 4, 1998

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The winning entry was submitted by Bryan Neff.  It was:

Which of these guys has just discovered Viagra?

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Ruben swallows a flash bomb.  (Adam Rofer)
  2. E3 Demo?! Yeah right... I think we all know what 8 single 30 year old men are watching...  (Martin Wiener)
  3. Suddenly realizing his teeth are fused together and he is glowing white-hot, Ruben turns to the camera seconds before spontaneously combusting.   (Jonathan Zulkeski)
  4. Here we see Ruben's best attempt at image editing to prove to the boss that he REALLY was at work that day.  (Dan Murphy)
  5. 'Adamant that despite having worked himself to death, Ruben should not be excused from making a valuable contribution to the team, Joe waited to rigor-mortis had set in and used the corpse to prop up the live-cam. All went well, until the rest of the team started to notice the smell.'  (Chris McMullen)
  6. Exactly how long has Allen Blum's hat been grafted to his head?  (Adam Rofer)
  7. Ruben Cabrera peaks into the shot and yells, "Hey suckers, let's see you think up a funny caption for THIS lame picture!"  (Alan Hunt)
  8. Nick, George, Alan, and Chris cannot resist the horrible sleep-inducing boredom power of Ruben's vacation video.  (Michael Lynch)
  9. Ruben tries yet again to get a wave going.  (Adam Rofer)
  10. If we had hammocks at work, we could sleep and not look quite so stupid.  (Trey Bennett)

In reality, this is the Duke Forever team watching a copy of the E3 Demo Tape.
L-R: Nick Shaffner, George Broussard, Allen Blum (light hat), Keith Schuler, Chris Hargrove (darker hat), Brian Cozzens, Chris Johnson, & Ruben Cabrera.