Contest #25: May 23 to June 5, 1997

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The winning entry was submitted by Dan Murphy. It was:

It's the new musical group, "Extremely White Boys"!

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. 'The guys are terrified as Joe Siegler is approaching in his truck, in a last ditch effort to downsize the company. (Vlad Popa)
  2. (sung to the theme of George of the Jungle) Doug, Doug, Doug of the Suburbs, friend to you and me! Doug, Doug, Doug of the suburbs, stay away form those three! (Travis McDevitt)
  3. Some of the Apogee staff returning from the beach with, what they call, a tan. (Travis McDevitt)
  4. Guess what? we all got cast in leading roles for Paramount's sequel to Dumb and Dumber, Dumbest and Astoundingly Dumb! (Travis McDevitt again)
  5. The elusive jean-wearing computer hacker is known to travel in packs. This species Dorkius Apogenius spends most of its day staring into a monitor, utterly spellbound. These settings can be reproduced by shining a light in the animals direction. They react in a most unusual way, becoming glassy-eyed and drooling, freezing like a deer in the headlights. (Adam Engle)
  6. The comet has finally left. That means our time is nigh, guys. 'Beam Us Up Scotty'... (Zack Perkins)
  7. [Voice of Unsolved Mysteries Robert Stack speaking]: "This photograph, taken a few hours before their disappearance, is the last glimpse we have of Randy, Doug, Allen, and Dirk preparing for a trip into Houston's 5th Ward. At this time we must presume that they have failed to be accepted into one of the local gangs as they had hoped would happen." (Kerry Johnson)

In reality, this is Randy Pitchford, Doug Wood, Allen Blum, & Dirk Jones in the parking lot of Apogee.