Contest #1: May 28 to June 10, 1996

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The winning entry was submitted by Mark Tardiff. It was:

A curious fan attempts to fool security and staff members by posing as a fern during the early stages of development for Duke3D. Although the resemblance is striking and the individual pictured here is obviously a master of disguise, the fan was unmasked when the janitor noted the funny placement of the "fern". The fan was escorted off site and was told he would have to wait, just like everyone else.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. 'He's telling us the heights of his three kids. This high, this high, and THIS high. (Dave Atwater)
  2. Here we see a rare specimen of the Apogee Flamingo, technically known as a Phoenicopteridae Apogean, in it's native habitat. (Andy Gulick)
  3. Alright boys, were gonna break this door down gracefully! (Kevin Mulcair)
  4. Preyanoia, a condition caused living and breathing Prey development. Symptoms includes fear of long halls, and the need to tip-toe through any halls encountered. (Katie ???)
  5. Come on Sis! Get out of the bathroom...I really gotta go!! (Justin LaBroad)
  6. Give me 15! (Dennis Grady)
  7. HoloDoug (Steven Smith)
  8. It's time to kick walls and chew bubble gum, and he's all out of gum. (George Ionescu)

In reality, this is Doug Wood "standing" in our hallways.