Contest #125: June 22nd to July 5th, 2001

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The winning entry was submitted by John White. It was:

Got Quarters?

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. "Damn! Lost the stripper motion capture again. Guess we'll have to go fix that. :)" (Craig Hawko)
  2. "Odd, they didn't mention anything about a Nude Shop in the E3 highlights brochure" (Avery Terrell)
  3. Keith and Brandon want to check to see if real stripper's arms clip through their boobs. (Chris Lauer)
  4. Don't be fooled folks. NUDE SHOP is acutally an acronymn for Nerd Union Dealing with the Easy Shipping and Handling of Organizers and Pocket-protectors. (Mike Guay)
  5. Brandon to Keith: "Ha! Adult shop? I have over 80 gigs of porn on my computers! Those amateurs running that shop think small!" (David Livingstone)
  6. Keith tries in desparation to chew his wedding ring off, to no avail. (Adam Rofer)
  7. In a moment, Brandon will feel Keith reach "Apogee" from behind. (Frank DeCandia)
  8. I just love these field trips, we work for the greatest company! (Mark Workman)
  9. Two frustrated game designers looking at thier next job..... if they spoil up Duke Nukem Forever. (Vaibhav Roy")
  10. Keith and Brandon take a glance at the new 3D Realms HQ, the most beautiful place ever in their opinion, before they arrive. (Maxiime Tondreau)
  11. Ever the innocent boys, Keith and Brandon contemplated for hours how anyone could possibly be comfortable shopping in the nude. (Don Chin)
  12. And this one for the best non obvious caption: "Who's ass is that in the picture anyway?" (Alan Bly)

In reality, this is Keith Schuler & Brandon Reinhart contemplating life while looking out the window of our shuttle bus.


We got the next three many MANY times..

  • "Keith & Brandon doing reasearch for DNF"
  • "Hey, is that your mom?"
  • "Is that George's car out front?"And then there's the now seemingly obligatory Xenophage submissions:

Plus, there's the now seemingly obligatory Xenophage submissions.

  • "Oddly, Keith and Brandon both suddenly realize that Xenophage was released before 'it's done.'"
  • "And on your left you see the reason why Xenophage shipped early."
  • "Scenes to inspire Xenophage 2 : Electric boogaloo"