Contest #126: July 6th to July 19th, 2001

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The winning entry was submitted by Joe Lawson. It was:

Watch as Steve demonstrates his ability to enter bullet-time and dodge the limb while still kicking Scott in the head.

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Fortunately, since the invention of Viagra, there are easier ways for Steve to get wood. (Justin)
  2. How to speak Australian: twig. (Polaris ???)
  3. Scott dishes out the punishment for publicly giving a release date for DNF! (John White)
  4. "Scott and Steve are caught in a candid photo reenacting their favorite scene from Dirty Dancing....Oh the Humanity!" (Aaron Heller)
  5. Scott's homemade "Survivor Contestant" video was rejected because of his purple shirt. (Don Chin)
  6. Each year, the 3D Realms Summer Camp meant late-night campfire stories, games, and plenty of S'mores. But things often turned sour when the race for the outhouse began. (Eric Stembridge)
  7. What Scott doesn't know is he's really throwing the stick at a Holo-Steve while Steve is sitting in the trees ready to shoot him with the RPG. (Paul Oswald)
  8. "Hey, Scott? Playing CTF in real life sucks!" (Nicholas Killewald)

In reality, this is Scott Miller throwing a log at Steve Blackburn, trying to knock him off the larger log crossing the creek.

Plus, we have the now seemingly obligatory Xenophage submission:

  • "Dude! This is a hell of a lot more fun than Xenophage!" (Eric Gregory)