Contest #200: August 13th to September 2nd, 2004

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In reality, this is Joe Siegler holding up a sign in Steve Blackburn's office.

The winning entries are listed below.  Given that this contest was "#200", it had special conditions.  There were two categories.  One was the traditional text caption that you can send in, and the second was one where you were allowed to edit the picture.   Additionally, we were also picking three winners in each category as opposed to just the usual one we pick.   So with that in mind, here are the winners:

Winners (Traditional):

  1. Tensions mount, and Joe finally snaps. However, his brain, fried from years of banning gibbering idiots and crybabies, has no notion of violence. The closest thing he knows is swearing in caps, preferably in size 42,000 text. George stops the potential fire by printing out a "NO U" image. (Preston Werner)

  2. "I'm telling you, Steve - we can make this ad work! Romero just did it wrong!" (Robert LaPlante)

  3. Joe Siegler, in a true feat of English skill, sums up the last five years of posts on the Duke Nukem Forever boards. (Jake Corre)

Runners Up (Traditional):

  1. "Joe Siegler proudly displays the source material for the DNF character Bombshell" (Iain Simms)

  2. "Years later, Joe decides to answer John Romero's Personals ad." (Jim Craig)

  3. "We took this word out of the Duke Nukem Forever Forums..Now they have nothing to Bitch about" (Jeff Donnell)

  4. "Here's Joe Siegler testing out the beta version of DNF's ADA compliant Taunts subroutine for the hearing impaired." (Marpucke ???)

  5. The evolution of flash cards as children are forced to grow too quickly. What ever happened to "Dog" and "Cat"? (Adam Robinson)

  6. "3D Realms Camera Captioning Contest brought to you today by the letter...B, as in..." (Doug Graham)

  7. Nothing says lovin' like a homemade birthday card for the ex. (Jared Ellis)

  8. "Joe hands in his resignation in style" (Rory O'Kelly)

  9. "Joe Siegler leads a kindergarten class in his, rather bitter, version of the BINGO song." (Mark Ishak)

  10. "Hey, look what Duke just gave me!..It's from his band's first video shoot, they're covering a Dylan song..." (Kevin Glosser)

  11. "Sorry Joe, I just don't swing that way." (Ciaran McCarthy)

  12. "With the code for player text communication not yet implemented into Duke Nukem Forever, Joe Siegler resorts to different measures for deathmatch smack talk." (Jason Stephens)

  13. "Allright now cover your left eye and read the first line, left to right!" (Darryl Attwood)

Winners (Picture Edit):

Martin DeMontfort
Daniel Weid
Ryan Raner

Runners Up (Picture Edit):

Martin DeMontfort
Martin DeMontfort
Anael Ferraz de Carvalho
Daniel Brogan
Alexander Dumproff
Greg Mamayek
William McCombie
Joost de Meij
Scott Pakin
Reepal Parbhoo

And if you don't agree with the winners, then "Bitch, Bitch, Bitch"!  ;) :)