Contest #89: December 10th to 23rd, 1999

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The winning entry was submitted by Mark Hadley. It was:

Paul begins stockpiling food and weapons early in anticipation of the Y2K crisis. (Not shown: 240 cans of beer)

Some of the others (in no particular order):

  1. Fidel Castro has Duke Nukem Fever. (Cameron Clark)
  2. News Flash! Nerf buys 3drealms. In a recent press release Nerf announces that they purchased 3drealms. Only minor changes will be made to Duke Forever (as shown in picture) to appeal to the die hard nerf fans. (Matt Schaffer)
  3. The situation turns ugly when Paul refuses to "Drop the Chalupa" (Art Baugh)
  4. "I am not disgruntled...I am not disgruntled!" (Randy Allen Ford)
  5. Shortly after this picture, Paul's ass was promptly kicked by spitball-wielding Corinne Yu. (Aaron Larson)
  6. ESRB: 1, 3D Realms: 0 (Aaron Larson)
  7. Paul Richards finally loses it after being asked the millionth time about DNF's release date. (Mark Hadley)
  8. In an attempt to avoid making the 2000 Lamb & Lion Dirty Dozen list, Paul Richards proposes a 'less violent' version of Duke Nukem Forever. (Eric Stembridge)
  9. At last Buzz Lightyear, we meet for the final time. Then I, Emperor Zurg, will rule the universe! (David Bellhorn)

In reality, this is Paul Richards pretending he's Duke Nukem, only with Nerf guns.

Note from Joe: (The winning entry probably would have been funnier if it had been posted back in December when it should have been. <g>)