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The winning entry was submitted by Stuart
MacQuarrie. It was:
Sigourney Weaver walks off the set of Alien
7 (after seeing what she has to work with).
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- If we take a picture in front of this wall, it'll look like we
went to Bahamas. (Chris Bryan)
Here we see Ruben "Mad Dog" Cabrera as he chomps down on a plastered Tom Pytel's
shoulder. (Shawn Swift)
- Ruben Cabrera demonstrates 3D Realm's new slogan: "Tom
Pytel, the other white meat." (Shawn Swift)
- "I've done it! I've grafted a second head onto a
programmer!", exclaims George Broussard. "Unfortunately, he is genetically
inferior to my four-assed Lee Jackson. Perhaps man wasn't meant to play god after
all." (Shawn Swift again)
- This is the true story behind "Weekend at Bernie's".
(Mike Hausknecht)
- Gangs have spread all over the country, you would never know
who is on what side, or what gang if it wasn't for the gang sign. In this all famous shot,
Allen Dilling and Chris Hargrove proudly jam their hands down their pants and begin
playing with them selves, proving that they are true prolific members of the Ball
Skratcherz, while Lee is obviously not a member and is just scratching himself because he
itches. (Ryan Fulton)
- Sporty Spice to the rest of the Spice Girls: Ok ladies, feast
your eyes on our manly da.... Hey, where'd the cute guys go, and who are you five? (Andrew
- Allen Dilling and Chris Hargrove support the drunken Tom Pytel
while Ruben Cabrera stands behind Tom and waits anxiously for Tom to bend over and ralph.
Lee Jackson keeps his distance. (Humberto Yeverino)
In reality, this is some of us in Austin
Texas at a KMFDM concert.
L-R: Allen Dilling, Ruben Cabrera, Tom Pytel, Chris Hargrove, & Lee Jackson.