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The winning entry was submitted by Travis
McDevitt. It was:
Alan: And that, Steve, is where milk REALLY comes from.
(Soon after, Steve Blackburn developed a strong case of lactose intolerance and vomited
violently whenever he saw a dairy product)
Some of the others (in no particular order):
- The most Steve Blackburn can get is a feel of Allen Dilling's
udder, and even then he has to cut him a few times for the privilege. (Peter Mandyczewsky)
- All too late Steve realizes that the udder he was pulling on
for the past five minutes wasn't made of rubber. Meanwhile Allen is making wedding plans
as Matt
and Scott wait for their turn in the suit. (Ron Dobbels)
- This Camera Captioning Contest picture is a testament to the
office life at 3D Realms. (Tony Jurjonas)
- Little is it known that the 3DRealms offices also double as a
halfway house for "troubled" middle-aged men. (Brian Trainor)
- The ultra-secret Prey end-boss is leaked to the media when a
picture is snapped of Steve Blackburn and a costumed model exiting the Cyber-scanner room.
(Al Hunt)
- Look, it's Marilyn Manson getting ready for a concert! (Matt
- The worst part is that we purposefully hired these people too.
(Matt McDonald)
- "I'm in the Mooooooooood for love." (Larry Elliott)
In reality, this is Steve Blackburn
(Prey Shirt) & Allen Dilling (Cow) at our 1997 Office Halloween
Party. Behind them L-R: Matt Wood, Terry Nagy, Scott McCabe, & John Anderson.