Launch Facility
Episode 1, Level
5 (Secret Level)
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Launch Facility is a level that is
relatively small, but isn't one that you get to in the "normal path"
of the game. It's a secret level. You can only get here
from a secret exit on the Toxic Dump level. You start in
the area shown above, and the way out of the room is to the right.
However, you don't want to go there first. You want to go
behind the spinning wheel in middle of the room.

Flip the switch down here near the
floor, and it will drop a forcefield that is blocking your path out
of this room. Go up and past that doorway.
Following the hallway will reveal a room with an acid pool in the
middle. Go around the pool into the room beyond it.

This is a small, but rather tall room
with a lot of bridges and the like. Your path here is to
go up, so find the ramp on the floor, and start making your way
upwards. There are some turrets (and troopers) on the way to
shoot at you, so keep that in mind. Once you get to the
top, you will be presented with another switch puzzle (and a ripper
gun, grab it).

The correct combination here is to leave
only the second from the left button "unpressed". Basically
you need to flip the first, third, and fourth switches. This
will open the red door to your left, and allow you access to the
control room. Once inside, you can collect the blue key.
You also have to flip the "01" switch, and then make your way back
down to the bottom of the room.

The "01" switch will turn off a
forcefield at the bottom of the room, which will allow you to go
into the next part of the level. Go through this door,
and you will see a rather steep incline in front of you. When
you get to the top, you will be looking out into another room where
several aliens are waiting to shoot you. There are two small
areas to the left and right of this spot that you can use for cover.
The left hiding area has some pipebombs. These can be useful
in the room in front of you, as there are several lizard troopers
waiting on the floor for you to drop in before they will start
shooting at you. Send a couple of pipebombs down into the room
before you jump in to help out. There is also a switch here
that will turn the lights on in this room - it is helpful if you do
this so you can see what you're doing (it was necessary to do this
to get screen grabs in here for this walkthrough).

Drop into this room, and fight off any
aliens in here. When you've done that, make your way up the
ramp on the outer wall of the room to progress to the next area.
Once you get to the control room up here, you will see an area where
you can use the blue key. This will unlock a forcefield
elsewhere in the level that allows you to get to the next section.
You can also see out into a large courtyard from here as well.

You will need to make your way back
through the room with the ramp around the wall that you just came
through, and exit out a door on the floor. Previously this
door was blocked, but you can now make your way through. When
you do, you can either go straight or go to the right. Going
to the right serves no purpose here - there is a forcefield you can
turn off, but that is really a deathmatch path, in single player
there's not much purpose in going that way. Go straight
through the door and you will be in a rather large room with really
huge double doors on one end. Off to the side in this
room is a control panel room. Go up there, and you can get the
red key.

Also in this room is a big switch.
Press the switch, and the large doors at the end of the hallway will
open, revealing the outer courtyard. Once ou there, you
will want to make your way to the left side of the large rocket.
There is an elevator there, you will need to get on it, and take the
elevator all the way to the top of the tower.

Once you get to the top of the tower,
you will need to go through a teleport after picking up a jetpack.
This will leave you in the capsule of the rocket. Inside the
capsule is the place where you need to use the red key. There
are a couple of podgirls inside the capsule.

After you use the red key, you will need
to go back through the teleport, and back down the floor of the
courtyard below. You can either go down the fastway (no,
that's no ROTT joke - really) or you can take the elevator back
down. Jumping to the ground will be about a 31% health hit, so
keep that in mind if you jump. You can also use the jetpack
cheat. Jump off, and right before you hit the ground, turn on
the jetpack, then turn it right back off. :)
Anyway, once back on the ground, you
need to go into a small control room that is in the ground over in
the far corner. There are two pig cops in here which can
be taken out easily with a pipebomb or two. Once inside
there, you need to flip the switch. This will cause a
huge explosion around the rocket, and cause it to fall into the

After the explosion is over, you have
two choices. You can either jump into the hole where the
rocket was, or take another elevator down. Jumping into
the hole is another 30% health hit or so (depending on the exact
spot you land), but it s a lot faster. Once down here,
follow the hallway into a room. If you look out the window,
you can see a river of slime similar to the one you used to get to
this level from the Abyss. First, take the boots, they will be
helpful when you get out into the slime.

Flip the switch, and a door will open up
on the far side of the room. Go in there, blast SEVERAL lizard
troopers behind it, an Octabrain, then jump in the river of slime.
It is a short ride to the end of the level from this point.

After this level finishes, you are taken
to the last level in Episode 1, that being "The
Abyss". That's the level you would have gone to after
Toxic Dump, had you not used the secret exit to get here.