Duke Nukem Forever, an elaborate myth spun by an insane
criminal genius? Or the work of a government conspiracy designed to
control our weak fleshy minds. This is the very question that keeps us
awake night after night.
all heard of DNF, but what does it actually mean? Is it a game, is it
worth waiting for, is it even real? Here at This Strife, we wanted to
put an end to everyone's fears and anxiety about this upcoming 'game'.
To get to the bottom of the elusive DNF we sent out our crack team of
investigators to look into every rumour, search through every rubbish
pile and question anyone who got in our way.
You may find our conclusions disturbing.
Duke Nukem 3D came
into being thanks to Ken Silverman, this one man created 'Ken's
Labyrinth' which was a bizarre blend or RPG and RTS elements. Ken
created the game by reversed engineering an early beta of Doom which he
obtained from a mole at id software. He went on to release his game with
a $249 price tag, which only a select few could afford. Then Ken had a
brain wave, to add in art and sounds from the original Duke Nukem side
scroller and thus Duke Nukem 3D was born.
Ken's success was
soon attracted the attention of 3D Realms, who at the time were a team
of mercenaries, lawyers and postmen who specialized in being in the
right place at the right time. After a series of heated discussions,
they bought out the rights for Duke Nukem 3D and rewrote the history
books to record them as the creators.
Realms were soon hungry for more success to fuel their expensive and
extravagant life styles. Many of the team had a habit of buying the
latest computer technology, only to install Windows 3.1 and complain
that DirectX wouldn't install. An expensive and time wasting effort.
The first attempt at reviving the success of Duke Nukem 3D came in the
form of a project called 'Prey'. However with our recently obtained
evidence, it appears 'Prey' was accidentally put into production after
Scott Miller yelled 'Gay' at another staff member. This one word slowly
changed to become 'Prey', the title of the game. However not much else
was fleshed out at this key design stage. With this as the key
motivation behind the game, it was no surprise to see it fail.
Attempt number two
is what we now called Duke Nukem Forever, but forget everything you
think you know about this game… DNF originally began life as an attempt
by Todd Replogle to create an artificial intelligence to bring Duke
Nukem to life. The famous E3 trailer was nothing but a record 'dream
sequence' of the Duke Nukem AI dreaming about kicking alien ass. This is
why we do not see Duke himself in the video.

[ Next: Todd Replogle
speaks about DNF ]