You are out on the catwalk so head down to the street level and enter the laundry door. Got to the door inside that area and they aren't going to let you in.

So turn 180 and exit out onto the street. Enter the next door on the left across the street. Head to the stairs area.

When you get to the stairs there are 2 junkies at the base and 3 thugs at the top of the next landing. Then there will be 2 more thugs on the next level. When you get to the top enter the door to grab a junkie to get you into the laundry.

Head back to the laundry door with the junkie in tow. As soon as the door opens the junkie will rat you out so be prepared for the 1 guys in room. There will be one more guy on the laundry side.

Head to the front desk to grab the painkillers and then get into the elevator, you can blow out the speakers to get Max to say something.

When you get out take a left. You'll enter an apartment and there will be one guy in the bathroom, grab his gun from the counter.

Check out the TV. He'll come out of the bathroom and take him down. There will be three more guys in the next building.

Jump through the window in the back room on this second building and cross to the next building. Enter into the building, there will be guys on balconies above you, it's easier to just get to them later so quickly head to the right.

You'll come across two mobster working a bomb, you don't need to do anything, they'll blow themselves up. Use the locked door to get the wall to fall. At the end of the hall there is some debris. This is where you need to go up. But first there will be three mobsters coming down.

Head up the debris ramp and then take out the two guys on the balcony.

Gognitti's room is on the other side of the balcony. After the scene you need to take out three of his men. Once they are dead read the letter on the table. Then head out of the room.

Follow him across to the other building, take a left and then go up the stairs.

Enter the room at the top of the stairs, and then jump onto the next passing group of subway cars.
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This walkthrough was created by
Charles Adams.
It originally appeared online
Reprinted with permission. |