You start on the roof of a building, to your left is the pipes you need to use to get across. As soon as you get off the pipes at the other side 2 guys will come out from behind the rooftop shed. After you take care of the them head to the right and jump across to the next building.

2 more thugs will appear on the billboard across the way. Take them down and then continue on your path and enter the building.

As soon as you enter you'll get a scene where Gognitti tells 3 thugs to finish you. Head down a level to meet them then head down to the first floor. Grab the painkillers and then run down the hall.

As you go through the door you'll be meet by 2 thugs on a basketball court. They are on the other side of the fence some distance from you. When you finish them another will come from the narrow hall. As you come up the stairs another guy will come out from behind the semi.

Head around to the semi and grab the stuff in there. Then jump up on the conversion van to get a line of sight on a guy at the second floor of construction.

Once he's taken care of use the elevator to get to the top floor.

On the top floor there is going to be another guy on the other side of the road to deal with. Then there are three guys in the next roof area.

Two more guys are in the next area you reach by going on front of the billboard and following the railing. Continue on the billboard railing until you reach the skylight. There are two guys on the room below to take care of, a nice shortcut is to blow the gas canister valve to kill the enemies. Then drop into the room.

Head through the building until you reach the
next outside area. Go down the fire escape and into the slightly opened door.

Check out the TV and the prepare for a battle. There are a total of 4 guys on the other side of that door. But there is a sequence to the battle. Dive through the door and shotgun blast the guy that is directly in front of the door. This sends the other guys around the corner.

Then dive around the next corner to blast one more guy. This sends the remaining 2 down the hall. Throw a grenade around the corner to bring it down to one guy. Then run around the corner. A grenade will be thrown so you need to keep moving. As you round the corner the last guy will come from the left side of the wall. Then head down the hall and out the door.

Cross the roof to the next door and you'll get a glimpse of a guy running down the hall. Head towards the hall but then come back to the door as the guy will throw a grenade. Then head down the hall and take him out.

Secret provided by
Mike Dufala

Head out the door and you'll come to the Gognitti boss area. Stay up top and take care of the 7 guys that are there and then head down and finish off Gognitti.
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This walkthrough was created by
Charles Adams.
It originally appeared online
Reprinted with permission. |