The E3D Realms Report
Don't know how I missed this last week, but Blue of Blue's News had this to say about Max Payne:
Max Payne is a third person action title, but if you talk to Max about Tomb Raider he'd probably put a cap in your ass. Max oozes attitude: I mentioned to the designers that Max had a John Woo quality before they managed to tell me that the goal is to have that sort of feel (so obviously they are succeeding there). I am looking forward to this so much, but the wait will be tough. Max is not slated to be released until next year, and they tell me they will work on it a year beyond that if that's what's necessary to create the game they envision. The game engine has the best smoke graphics I can recall, and amazing levels of texture detail. Max Payne is definitely showing signs of a potential masterpiece.
Posted by Joe Siegler on June 8, 1998 at 1:00 PM | Permalink
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