Stomped & E3 Discussions
Scott Miller is quoted again - this time over at Stomped's new E3 site. Stomped is getting an early start on 2000 E3 coverage with their new site dedicated to the annual trade show. They've been asking several folks in the industry for their thoughts on E3, and here's what Scott has to say:
Q: What is the single most memorable thing you can recall from any of the past E3s you have attended?
A: Just the enormous size of the event, the huge, elaborate booths, and the idea that so much money (100's of millions, I imagine) is being spent on digital gaming, once just a hobby that few took seriously. No one could have thought this would happen 20 years ago?! One of the memories that impresses me most is seeing the Scavenger "Spider Leg" booth a few E3s ago, which must have million or two bucks easy. But the booth was better than their games, and apparently the booth got all the budget, too, because Scavenger soon went out of business.
Q: What single thing are you most looking forward to doing and/or seeing at this year's E3?
A: Being a game fan, I just like to check out what everyone is doing, and take a look at every single game at the show (1500+ games!). Most games do not impress me because they're the same old games in new clothes, and they do not reach their full potential because of restricted budgets and publisher pressure to get the game out. But lots of games still contain innovative ideas, and seeing these innovations always gives me hope for our industry.
Make sure to head on over to Stomped's E3 site and check out their pre-pre-pre-pre E3 coverage.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 PM