More Max Payne 2 Coverage
We told you before that when the information would start to come, it would come in waves. Last week we reported on magazine coverage of Max Payne 2. Today we bring you the two first (well, first known to us, anyway) Max Payne 2 web previews. They're by Gamespot & Gamespy. We'll get right to the comments in the previews...
Gamespy's article had this to say about Max Payne 2...
* of the original game can rest assured that Max Payne 2 should easily surpass whatever bars the first game raised.
* With improved real-time shadows, dynamic lighting and destructive elements, things really are getting pushed to the max (pun intended)
* Max will once again sport a small NRA arsenal in that fine Italian leather jacket, this time with enough firearms to satisfy any Hong Kong action cinema fan, while bullet time is back big time.
* Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne should have everything fans of the original would want
Gamespy also talks about the look of Max and the other characters, the plot (as much as was given away, which wasn't much), weapons, and much more. Check out Gamespy's preview here.
Gamespot's article had this to say about Max Payne 2...
* .. many aspects of the original game's presentation have been updated and improved for the sequel, including improved character models with facial animation...
* The sequel will also feature improved particle effects, which will provide more realistic-looking flames and smoke, as well as better-looking weapon effects.
* The improved graphics engine will allow for extremely detailed scenery textures for colorful graffiti spray-painted on walls as well as for run-down brick buildings papered with old movie posters.
* From what we've seen of the game, it seems like many, many aspects of the original game's presentation have been updated and improved for the sequel, including improved character models with facial animation, including Max, who went through most of the original game with a single, squint-eyed facial expression. Characters will be able to crease their brows and smile, frown, and speak with animated lips.
Gamespot's article covers most of the same territory as the Gamespy article (or is it the other way around? ). Gamespot's has a little more detail on the game's plot, but also talks about some specific weapons and character interactions. Check out Gamespot's preview here.
Both articles/previews are worth checking out, and both have screenshots in them, too, and both have lots of information that any Max Payne fan action gaming fan would be interested in. There will be more Max Payne 2 stuff coming soon, and when we hear about it, so will you.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM