September 22, 2003

Sam Lake Max Payne 2 Interview

Second is an interview with Sam Lake over at entitled "Max's Pain", in which they talk to Sam about the story of Max Payne 2. Here's a bit from Sam's interview:

IGN: How was writing the script for Max Payne 2 different than for the original Max Payne?

Sam Lake: Writing a sequel is certainly an art of it's own. The setting and the characters have already been established. On one hand you have to stay faithful to that, on the other you need to shake things up and take the story to surprising directions, to keep what's good and fix what was not so good. The goal is naturally to top the original in every area possible.

IGN also asks Sam about why a love story, the film noir references, and briefly touching on specifics of the plot. Check it out over at today!

Posted by Joe Siegler on September 22, 2003 at 4:00 PM | Permalink
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