Prey Weekly Development Update #15
Welcome to the fifteenth Weekly Prey Update. I apologize for being so late today, but I think this picture pretty much sums up this week:

Script Manager Mike Flynn annoyed at having his brief sleep disturbed ....
Make sure you read to the bottom of this update for some cool Prey news later tonight!
We have a guest update from Nick Murray of Artistry Entertainment. The band MXPX specially recorded a song for inclusion in Prey. The song is called "The Setting Sun", and here's a brief update from Nick about the recording session earlier this week:
Recording `The Setting Sun' with MxPx.
By Nick Murray, Producer "Bite Me! Music inspired by Prey,"
I, like many people have been a big fan of the popular punk rock band MxPx for years. Quite familiar with their song "Move to Bremerton" I was excited to spend a day with the band in their hometown - Bremerton, Washington. But first I had to find out where in the world Bremerton was.

On a beautiful day in Seattle, I made my way to the ferry pier and drove my car onto one of Seattle's famous ferries. During the 60 minute ferry ride across the Puget Sound, I saw 2 sea lions and 1 bald eagle. This was going to be a good day!

When I arrived in Bremerton I noticed some US Navy ships. In 1891 a German immigrant named William Bremer sold some of his land to the US Navy and founded Bremerton. The US Navy still has a base there.
I followed my map to MxPx's studio and they were just beginning to record the drum track for their new song "The Setting Sun." When recording rock songs, bands will always record one part at a time (drums, vocals, guitars, etc.) in order to get the highest quality sound. With Yuri playing the drums, Mike recording the session, and Tom practicing his guitar parts, I knew these guys were professionals.

After only 3 or 4 takes, Yuri nailed the drums, yet stayed the rest of the day to support the band and help out with recording the other band members.

Besides listening to my own free punk rock show all day, I was impressed with their speed that they were able to fly through the recording session. They moved from drums to rhythm guitars, to bass guitar, to vocals, and then to lead guitar and they did it all like clockwork, without any cutting remarks, squabbles, or wasted time.

One thing was evident, amidst their professionalism and ability to write, play, and record a song, they were obviously friends as well. They are a true rock band from their roots in Bremerton, Washington to their sell out crowds in Chile, Japan, Europe, and across the globe.

Be sure to check out their new original song "The Setting Sun" only in `Prey' and on `Prey''s compilation album "Bite Me! Music inspired by Prey" available for download only at

Find out more about MxPx including their latest album and tour dates at
MxPx is:
Mike Herrera - Vocals, Bass Guitar
Tom Wisniewski - Guitar
Yuri Ruley - Drums
And of course, the ever-popular changelog:
- SpiritArrows can go through forcefields, spiritbridges, chaff
- Bullets now hit spirit secrets instead of going through
- made shuttle headlight smaller/faster
- deny invalid punkbuster joins with dialog box
- new shuttle crosshairs
- added auto weapon switch to mp menu
- made crosshairs not highlight consoles.
- Made the blood splats on the rifle and auto-cannon bigger.
- fixed health and spirit pulses happening when they shouldn't on client
- added more randomness to the spawn logic, since apparently spawning from the most distant point is being counter-productive and making people think they're spawning near their killer just because it's repeatedly picking the same point. spawning from a random point (still tries to pick > 128 distance though) will probably feel better.
- fixed lowhealth sound not playing properly on the client in mp
- Fixed gasbag damage material problem.
- Fixed wallwalk traces to prevent players from falling off in some situations.
- Added code to crush movables blocking harvester passageways.
- long wait idles for rifle and crawler going in
- Finally received the last music update from Jeremy
- New Tommy dialog added in all maps
- salvage: added hound doors script support for ted
- changed fade time for music coming back from deathwalk
- salvage: added dialog for abducted in wallwalk puzzle room
- fixed talon model so he actually looks like a hawk
- talon attack code is fixed, and talon properly banks as he flies around
- slowdown when close to portals fixed
- lots and lots and lots of bugs fixed
I apologize for not getting to those Ask Prey Questions -- they will definitely be posted next week. Things have been completely insane around here. The good kind of insane.
Also, huge news! Later tonight, a new Prey Trailer will be released through IGN. Watch for it to be released around 8 PM CST. More info will be posted soon on the 3D Realms site. You won't want to miss that.
Chris Rhinehart - Prey Project Lead
Human Head Studios
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Posted by Joe Siegler on April 21, 2006 at 5:31 PM | Permalink
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